Why I left FB Land Autism Community

I will preface this piece by saying I DO NOT BLoG! I keep a virtual diary! I don’t edit! If you are a grammar nazi..move on please…ain’t nobody got time for that!

I unpublished my page..I’m Bob several days ago. I left a following of over 1800 people. I left something I loved to do. I left a community, a community that I joined and built my only corner from the ground up. Yep, I built it. It wasn’t given to me! I wasn’t a lucky “newbie” as I’ve been accused of being. I left it for me. I left it to do something more.

Tired of reading rants..tired of ranting myself..I was ready to do something in the real world. With that being said ..I know that I made real connections…I know I helped people and was helped and supported by others…it just comes to a place and time where you need more..for yourself..your family..the community that is Autism…

So..I made the leap..the opportunity came…I was asked to mentor other newly diagnosed families. I will do one on one , face to face , talking to families. Families that are new to this journey. They need support, as all of us do when the journey starts and as you travel the road this journey takes you on. I’m up for the challenge and excited about it.

For those of you whom I have connected with through Bob’s page …I am not gone..just dormant right now. I have to focus on the present the tangible. But I will be back! For those of you who need to know what’s going on in Bob’s world…you are welcome to follow my blog. I promise to keep you updated!

Love and hugs dolls,
Aka Bob’s mommy


17 thoughts on “Why I left FB Land Autism Community

  1. I wish you all the best in this new venture! I will miss Bib’s page but I know we can stay connected in other ways. Thank you so much for sharing all that you have thus far and I can’t wait to see where things go from here for you (and Bob)!

  2. I am relatively new to FB land autism community. I don’t know exactly how I found your page. But once I did, I was hooked. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    My daughter was diagnosed almost two years ago now and I would have loved for someone to help us traverse those first few scary, bumpy months. Heck, there are still days I’d still like that! The families that you get to work with are blessed to have someone to turn to to help make sense of this new world. Good luck to you & congratulations.

  3. I will miss your page but will keep up on you and Bob. You always make me smile. Being a mentor for newly diagnosed families is an awe inspiring thing and something you will excel at. Hugs!!

  4. I’m a regular follower , and you will ROCK at this !! What an awesome experience and how fortunate these newbies are to have you !! Look forward to hearing about your experiences ! 🙂

  5. Lori You know your a Blessing to Kaden and I. Your a Blessing to everyone in your presence, on or off line. 🙂 I haven’t been on as much since Dec. And Honestly it’s been for the better. But, there are those few…..your one of them that I do greatly miss. ((Hugs))

  6. Wow! Good luck with your new venture! I’m sure you’ll be great at it! Let us know when you’re back with I’m bob 🙂
    All the best ❤
    Helen x

  7. Fantastic!!! I am so happy for you 🙂 I agree in many ways. I have been feeling the same myself. Kudos and much love to you and your family!! Rock on Bob!

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